L3 Level Grid File Metadata
Highlighted attributes are manually required items. Green items from the Data Supplier, whilst Contributing Data Hubs will generate all Optional fields when they are not supplied, Conditional fields, or where the information can be extracted and derived.
Preferred Name | Format | Cardinality | Required | Source | Definition | Example |
Region Code | Text | 1 | Conditional | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | A code defining a well known grid (define here) used to break up the data file into reliable and useable sizes (ensuring products file sizes stay within reasonable limits) | TBD |
Published_Resolution | Float (1 DEC) | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | The published resolution as defined by Table 3 depth bands and associated grid resolutions | 16 |
Uncertainty_Model | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | The type of model that calculates the accumulated uncertainties of a dataset (instrument errors, conversion errors, data errors etc.). | Cube |
Feature Geometry Polygon | Geometry | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | geometric line shape of the feature, described in GML,WKT or stored in an ORACLE or ESRI format | N/A |
Feature Geometry CRS Polygon | Text +URI | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | the Coordinate Reference Systems, using EPSG standard for the Polygon Feature | EPSG4326 using https://epsg.io/4326 |
TIF Filename | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier / Derived | Name derived from L0 raw filename with extension format .tif | {GAID/SurveyID}{_ProductType}[{_SurveyYear}]{_Resolution}[{_SensorIdentifier}]{_RegionCode}{_MeasurementLabel}{_VersionIdentifier}.{FormatExtension} GA4867_Bathymetry_2020_64m_SH51_Depth_20210729.tif In2019_e01_Bathymetry_0p5m_EM710_SH51_Depth_20201214T052921Z.tif |
TIF DataFile Size | Float (2 DEC) | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier / Derived | TIFF data file size in (Mb) | 3.40 |
TIF Data Link | URL hyperlink | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier / Derived | Link to access TIF data. | http://... |
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