L0 Raw MBES Metadata Attributes
Highlighted attributes are manually required items. Green items from the Data Supplier, whilst Contributing Data Hubs will generate all Optional fields when they are not supplied, Conditional fields, or where the information can be extracted and derived.
Preferred Name | Format | Cardinality | Required | Source | Definition | Example |
Dataset ID | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Contrib Hub | Unique auto-generated Dataset ID |
GEBCO TID | Integer | 1 | Mandatory | Contrib Hub | The GEBCO Type Identifier (TID) is used to identify the source data type that the corresponding grid cell in the bathymetric grid is based on. The aim is to allow users to assess the ‘quality’ of the grid in a particular area, i.e. if it is based on multibeam data, singlebeam data or on interpolation, etc. TID 11 = Multibeam - depth value collected by a multibeam echo-sounder | 11 (Multibeam echosounder) |
Survey Standard | Text | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier | The survey standards reflect the IHO HIPP standards for hydrographic surveys (AH0, 2018) and only relates to bathymetry data | HIPP – Precise IHO – Special IHO – 1a IHO – 1b HIPP – 2 IHO – 2 HIPP – Passage |
Line Name | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Derived | Standard naming convention for survey lines | 0095_20150203_225246_Investigator_em122.all |
Line Name File Extension | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Derived | Filename extension as a proxy for format type e.g .all | 0095_20150203_225246_Investigator_em122.all |
Horizontal Datum | Text +URI | 1 | Mandatory | Inherited | The horizontal reference datum configured in the operating parameters, or assigned during processing | WGS84 |
Vertical Control | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Inherited | Identify the vertical control, if Tides Applied (supply tide file), or Geoid Tide details (supply model) | Tides Applied |
Feature Geometry Polygon | Geometry | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | geometric line shape of the feature, described in GML,WKT or stored in an ORACLE or ESRI format | N/A |
Feature Geometry CRS Polygon | Text +URI | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | the Coordinate Reference Systems, using EPSG standard for the Polygon Feature | EPSG4326 |
Swath Angle | Float (2 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | The angle (in degrees) of a cone-shaped transmit pulse in the across track direction (perpendicular to the path of the ship) | 120 |
Beamwidth along Track | Float (2 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | The angle (in degrees) of the footprint of a single beam in the along track direction (parallel to the path of the ship) | 0.5 |
Beamwidth across Track | Float (2 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | The angle (in degrees) of the footprint of a single beam in the across track direction (perpendicular to the path of the ship) | 1 |
Bathymetry Availability | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Derived | Yes No field used to store presence of valid Datagram series | Yes No |
Backscatter Availability | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Derived | Yes No field used to store presence of valid Datagram series | Yes No |
Sound Velocity Profile Availability | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Derived | Yes No field used to store presence of valid Datagram series | Yes No (Data format Ascii, .csv, .asvp, .svp) |
Water Column Availability | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Derived | Yes No field used to identify presence or absence of *.wcd files | Yes/No |
Number of Pings | Integer | 1 | Optional | Derived | The total number of acoustic ping emitted to the water column | 438 |
Number of Beams per Ping | Integer | 1 | Optional | Derived | The number of beams formed in the receiver on a return of a complete trip of a ping | 800 |
Beam Spacing | Text | 1 | Optional | Derived | The space of neighbouring beams in the across track direction (perpendicular to the path of the ship) | Equidistant / Equiangular / High Density |
Pulse Length | Float (2 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | A time duration of a ping, measured in milliseconds | 100 |
Average Speed | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | The average speed (in Km/hr) of the platform maintained during the data capture period. Often captured in both km/hr and knots (12.9386 km/hr / 6.9939 knots) | 12.9386 |
Total Track Length | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Cumulative distance (in km) covered by all lines | 12.00 |
Total Track Time | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Cumulative time (hrs) acquiring all lines | 120 |
Sensor Frequency | Integer | 1 | Mandatory | Derived | Operating frequency measured in kHz, extracted from Survey Metadata | 100 |
Start of Line Data DateTime | Date (ISO 8601) | 1 | Optional | Derived | The line start date and time in standard coordinated universal time (UTC) | 2020-08-26T14:00:00Z |
Start of Line Data Longitude | Float (6 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Longitudinal coordinate for the start of a line (decimal degrees) | 155.1111 |
Start of Line Data Latitude | Float (6 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Latitudinal coordinate for the start of a line (decimal degrees) | -29.1111 |
Start of Line Data Depth | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Depth of the water column from the start of a line (metres) | 100 |
Start of Line Data Speed | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Speed of the vessel at the start of a line (Km/Hr) | 12 |
Start of Line Data Heading | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Orientation of the vessel at the start of a line (azimuth value) | 270 |
Start of Line Data Sonar Depth | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Depth from the Sonar head to the water line (in metres) at the start of the line | 6.1875 |
Start of Line Data Sonar Altitude | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Depth from the Sonar head to the seafloor (in metres) at the start of the line | 1976.9912 |
End of Line Data DateTime | Date (ISO 8601) | 1 | Optional | Derived | The line end date and time in standard coordinated universal time (UTC) | 2020-09-11T14:00:00Z |
End of Line Data Longitude | Float (6 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Longitudinal coordinate for the end of a line (decimal degrees) | 156.1111 |
End of Line Data Latitude | Float (6 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Latitudinal coordinate for the end of a line (decimal degrees) | -28.1111 |
End of Line Data Depth | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Depth of the water column from the end of a line (metres) | 200 |
End of Line Data Speed | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Speed of the vessel at the end of a line (Km/Hr) | 13 |
End of Line Data Heading | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Orientation of the vessel at the end of a line (azimuth value) | 90 |
End of Line Data Sonar Depth | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Depth from the Sonar head to the water line (in metres) at the end of the line | 260 |
End of Line Data Sonar Altitude | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Depth from the Sonar head to the seafloor (in metres) | 3.8334 |
Minimum Measured Depth | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Shallowest depth measured from the data (metres) at the end of the line | 1927.5033 |
Maximum Measured Depth | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Deepest depth measured from the data (metres) | 6000 |
WCD Filename | Text | 1 | Optional | Derived | Water column data file name | 0060_20190508_173443_Investigator_em710.wcd |
WCD File Size | Float (2 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | Water column data file size (Mb) | 3.40 |
WCD Link | Text +URI | 1 | Optional | Derived | Link to access water column data | http://... |
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