L2 Level Metadata Attributes
Green items are sourced from the Data Supplier, whilst Contributing Data Hubs will generate all Optional fields when they are not supplied, and/or where the information can be extracted and derived.
L0 Inherited or updated from the Survey metadata by the Data Supplier or Contributing Data Hub Manager.
Preferred Name | Format | Cardinality | Required | Source | Definition | Example |
Dataset ID | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Inherited L0 | Unique auto-generated Dataset ID |
GEBCO_TID | Integer | 1 | Mandatory | Inherited L0 | The GEBCO Type Identifier (TID) is used to identify the source data type that the corresponding grid cell in the bathymetric grid (see https://www.gebco.net/data_and_products/gridded_bathymetry_data/gebco_2021/ ) | 11 |
L0 Line Name | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Inherited L0 | Standard naming convention for survey lines | 0095_20150203_225246_Investigator_em122.all |
L0 Line Name File Extension | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Inherited L0 | Filename extension as a proxy for format type e.g .all | .all |
Horizontal Datum | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The horizontal reference datum configured in the operating parameters, using the EPSG standard | WGS84 |
Vertical Control | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | Identify the vertical control, if Tides are Applied (supply tide file), or Geoid Tide details (supply model) | Tides Applied |
Feature Geometry Polygon | Geometry | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | geometric line shape of the feature, described in GML,WKT or stored in an ORACLE or ESRI format | N/A |
Feature Geometry CRS Polygon | Text +URI | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | the Coordinate Reference Systems, using EPSG standard for the Polygon Feature | EPSG4326 using WGS 84 - WGS84 - World Geodetic System 1984, used in GPS - EPSG:4326 |
Swath Angle | Float (2 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | The angle (in degrees) of a cone-shaped transmit pulse in the across track direction (perpendicular to the path of the ship) | 120 |
Beamwidth along Track | Float (2 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | The angle (in degrees) of the footprint of a single beam in the along track direction (parallel to the path of the ship) | 0.5 |
Beamwidth across Track | Float (2 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | The angle (in degrees) of the footprint of a single beam in the across track direction (perpendicular to the path of the ship) | 1 |
Bathymetry Availability | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Inherited L0 | Yes No field used to store presence of valid Datagram series | Yes / No |
Backscatter Availability | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Inherited L0 | Yes No field used to store presence of valid Datagram series | Yes / No |
Sound Velocity Profile Availability | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Inherited L0 | Yes No field used to store presence of valid Datagram series | Yes / No (Data format Ascii, .csv, .asvp, .svp) |
Number of Pings | Integer | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | The total number of acoustic pings emitted to the water column | 438 |
Number of Beams per Ping | Integer | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | The number of beams formed in the receiver on a return of a complete trip of a ping | 800 |
Beam Spacing | Text | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | The space of neighbouring beams in the across track direction (perpendicular to the path of the ship) | Equidistant / Equiangular / High Density |
Pulse Length (ms) | Float (2 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | A time duration of a ping, measured in milliseconds | 100 |
Average Speed (Km/hr) | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | The average speed (in Km/hr) of the platform maintained during the data capture period. Often captured in both km/hr and knots (12.9386 km/hr / 6.9939 knots) | 12.9386 |
Total Track Length (Km) | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Cumulative distance covered by all lines | 12.00 |
Total Track Time (Hrs) | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Cumulative time acquiring all lines | 120 |
Sensor Frequency (kHz) | Integer | 1 | Mandatory | Inherited L0 | Operating frequency measured in kHz, extracted from Survey Metadata | 100 |
Start of Line Data DateTime | Date (ISO 8601) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | The line start date and time in standard coordinated universal time (UTC) | 2020-08-26T14:00:00Z |
Start of Line Data Longitude | Float (6 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Longitudinal coordinate for the start of a line (decimal degrees) | 155.1111 |
Start of Line Data Latitude | Float (6 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Latitudinal coordinate for the start of a line (decimal degrees) | -29.1111 |
Start of Line Data Depth (m) | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Depth of the water column from the start of a line (metres) | 100 |
Start of Line Data Speed (km/hr) | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Speed of the vessel at the start of a line (Km/Hr) | 12 |
Start of Line Data Heading | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Orientation of the vessel at the start of a line (azimuth value) | 270 |
Start of Line Data Sonar Depth (m) | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Depth from the Sonar head to the water line (in metres) at time of ping at the start of the line | 6.1875 |
Start of Line Data Sonar Altitude (m) | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Depth from the Sonar head to the seafloor (in metres) at the start of the line | 1976.9912 |
End of Line Data DateTime | Date (ISO 8601) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | The line end date and time in standard coordinated universal time (UTC) | 2020-09-11T14:00:00Z |
End of Line Data Longitude | Float (6 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Longitudinal coordinate for the end of a line (decimal degrees) | 156.111111 |
End of Line Data Latitude | Float (6 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Latitudinal coordinate for the end of a line (decimal degrees) | -28.111111 |
End of Line Data Depth (m) | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Depth of the water column from the end of a line (metres) | 200 |
End of Line Data Speed (km/hr) | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Speed of the vessel at the end of a line (Km/Hr) | 13 |
End of Line Data Heading | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Orientation of the vessel at the end of a line (azimuth value) | 90 |
End of Line Data Sonar Depth (m) | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Depth from the Sonar head to the water line (in metres) at time of ping at the end of the line | 260 |
End of Line Data Sonar Altitude (m) | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Depth from the Sonar head to the seafloor (in metres) | 3.8334 |
Minimum Measured Depth (m) | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Shallowest depth measured from the data (metres) at the end of the line | 1927.5033 |
Maximum Measured Depth (m) | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Inherited L0 | Deepest depth measured from the data (metres) | 6000 |
Unique fields for L2 datasets
Preferred Name | Format | Cardinality | Required | Source | Definition | Example |
Dataset ID (L0) | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Contrib Hub | Unique auto-generated Dataset ID | ? |
Dataset ID (L2) | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Contrib Hub | Unique auto-generated Dataset ID | ? |
Vertical Datum | Text +URI | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier Contrib Hub | The vertical reference datum configured in the operating parameters, or assigned during processing, using the EPSG standard | EGM2008; MSL LAT |
Horizontal Datum | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Assigned/ Derived | The horizontal reference datum configured in the operating parameters, or assigned during processing | WGS84 |
GSF Filename | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Derived | The generic sensor format (GSF) is used to store bathymetry data. It is a data container that facilitates interchange of georeferenced soundings. Name derived from L0 raw filename with extension format .gsf | 0095_20150203_225246_Investigator_em122.gsf |
GSF DataFile Size | Float (2 DEC) | 1 | Mandatory | Derived | GSF data file size in (Mb) | 81.32 |
GSF Data Link | URL hyperlink | 1 | Mandatory | Derived | HTTP/S Link to access all GSF data files | http://... |
XYZ Filename | Text | 1 | Optional | Derived | The XYZ format stores the associated 3D coordinates of a point cloud. Typically written as a tab delimited ascii. Name derived from L0 raw filename with extension format (e.g. .xyz, .csv etc) | 0095_20150203_225246_Investigator_em122.xyz |
XYZ DataFile Size | Float (2 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | XYZ data file size in (Mb) | 150.12 |
XYZ Data Link | URL hyperlink | 1 | Optional | Derived | Link to access GSF data | http://... |
LAS Filename | Text | 1 | Optional | Derived | LAS (abbreviation of laser) facilitiates the interchange of 3D point cloud/XYZ data. Name derived from L0 raw filename with extension format (e.g. .las, etc) | 0095_20150203_225246_Investigator_em122.las |
LAS DataFile Size | Float (2 DEC) | 1 | Optional | Derived | LAS data file size in (Mb) | 3.40 |
LAS Data Link | URL hyperlink | 1 | Optional | Derived | Link to access LAS data. | http://... |
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