GA Contributing Hub Metadata Requirements

GA Contributing Hub Metadata Requirements

The GA contributing hub will distribute data using an ISO 19115.3 compliant metadata schema. The metadata outlined below is extracted from the Australian Multibeam Guidelines V2.0 and outlines the metadata required to be provided in order to meet this distribution schema, as well as to support internal data management and processing requirements.

Australian Multibeam Guidelines V 2.0 

(Extract section Metadata)

Metadata consistency is an essential aspect of data management and a key step in the move to coordinate a comprehensive national repository of seabed data in the Australian marine estate. The following list of metadata outlines the minimum set to meet ISO 19115.3 standards. The AusSeabed community propose that best efforts are made by collecting and processing institutions to utilise these fields. Appending organisation specific fields is acceptable but such fields should not be used in place of the fields below (Table 6).

Table 6: Overview of required metadata.

Metadata Category





Metadata Fields

Survey Title

Survey ID



Data Owner


Country (data ownership)

Collecting Entity

Attribution Licence

Legal Constraints

Access Constraints

Use Constraints

Survey Area (general)

Bounding Box

Coordinate reference system-bounding Box

Coordinate reference system–Survey Data

Geodetic Datum of the survey

Horizontal datum

Vertical datum

Instrument type

Sensor type

Sensor Frequency

Platform type

Platform name

© Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) year of publication.

With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, this product is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.
