Survey Level Metadata
Highlighted attributes are manually required items. Green items from the Data Supplier, whilst Contributing Data Hubs will generate all Optional fields when they are not supplied, Conditional fields, or where the information can be extracted and derived.
Survey/Acquisition Metadata template
AusSeabed Data Register (online Metadata Tool) - Under Development
Preferred Name | Format | Cardinality | Required | Source | Definition | Example |
Survey Title | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | Survey Name or Project as supplied by the Contributor | RV Investigator Voyage IN2019_T03 |
Survey Name | Text | 1 | Conditional | GA | GA Preferred Survey name based on GAID, General Name and SurveyID | IN2019_T03, Ashmore Reef Marine Park Bathymetry Survey (GA4870/FK210409) |
Survey ID | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The ID assigned to the survey by the Collecting organisation | IN2019_T03, GA4870/FK210409 |
Geographic Name | Text | 1 | Conditional | GA | A Geographic or Geomorphological descriptor used to generate a unique Survey Name | Kenn and Chesterfield Plateau (used to create an ASB Survey Name, along with GAID and SURVEYID) |
GAID | Text | 1 | Conditional | GA | The GA survey ID allocated by Geoscience Australia. A compilation will have multiple IDs | GA4870 |
Abstract | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | Narrative summary of the survey | This Survey ... |
Lineage | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | Provenance Information and references for sources and processes that were used to create the Survey/Dataset | The source of this Survey is ... The input, processing and outputs were achieved through the following steps ... |
Keywords | Text | Multiple | Optional | Data Supplier & Contrib Hub
| Keywords or Tags used to aid search and discovery. It is mandatory to have Earth Science | Oceans and at least one Data Type that is associated with the Survey. Contributions to AusSeabed will also automatically have ‘AusSeabed’ added as a keyword. | Earth Science | Oceans | Bathymetry | Seafloor Topography | Marine | Auseabed | Backscatter | Video | Ecology | Sediment | Samples |
Data Collected | Text | Multiple | Mandatory | Data Supplier | Multiple responses identifying the data types collected. | Bathymetry | Backscatter | Sound Velocity Profile SVP | Acoustic Water Column WCD | Raw Navigation | Tide | Vessel Configuration | Sub bottom Profile | Sidescan | Imagery | Video | Physical Properties | Samples |
Collecting Entity | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The person and/or organisation that owns the submitted data for the purpose of empowering AusSeabed to act as custodian | CSIRO; Deakin |
Principal Investigator | Text +URI | Multiple | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The key point of contact, often the Lead Scientist on the survey | Mike Hoffin, [Mike Hoffin]( ) |
PI Contact Details | Text | Multiple | Mandatory | Data Supplier | Contact details for Principal Investigator, (phone and email minimum requirements) |, ph. +61 2 6211 1234 |
Operator | Text | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier | The organisation that manages and operates the Platform used to perform the Survey | Schmidt Ocean Institute (SOI) |
Country | Text +URI | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The country that owns the data, not the country where the data is collected. | Australia ( |
Attribution Citation | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | Statement of attribution that must be included whenever the data being provided is distributed/redistributed or used by another organisation. | 2021. Bill and Ben Plateaux bathymetry survey (FK210206/GA4869). Geoscience Australia, Canberra. |
DOI | Text +URI | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | The DOI or Digital object identifier provide a persistent interoperable identifier for the Survey, Dataset or Publication | |
Custodian | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | The person and/or organisation that accepts archives and disseminates the data. | Commonwealth of Australia - Geoscience Australia |
Legal Constraints | Text +URI | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The URL to a standard or specific licence, enter "CCBY 4.0", "Freely Distributed" or "None", or describe any restrictions to data access and distribution in free text. |
Use Constraints | Text +/-URI | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier | The URL to a specific data license describing conditions for use and possible disclaimers | This licence allows user to ... |
Start Location | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The location, departure point or Port the survey or entire data collection started from | Henderson, WA |
End Location | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The location, arrival point or Port the survey or entire data collection ended at | Hobart, TAS |
Start DateTime | Date (ISO 8601) | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The Date and Time the Survey or the specific data collection commenced in local time to be converted to UTC for storage | 26-AUG-2020 2PM (2020-08-26T14:00:00Z) |
End DateTime | Date (ISO 8601) | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The Date and Time the Survey or the specific data collection ended in local time to be converted to UTC for storage | 11-SEP-2020 2PM (2020-09-11T14:00:00Z) |
Survey Area General | Text | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier | Plain English description of the location of the survey. | Indian ocean approximately 1100nmoff the coast of Perth Australia. |
Sea Areas | Text | Multiple | Optional | Data Supplier & Contrib Hub | Ocean, Sea, Water Body names. Note: Make additional rows for each unique entry | Southern Ocean |
Max Northern Latitude | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The maximum northern latitude of the survey area, used to define a bounding box | -12 |
Max Southern Latitude | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The maximum southern latitude of the survey area, used to define a bounding box | -42 |
Max Western Longitude | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The maximum western latitude of the survey area, used to define a bounding box | 78 |
Max Eastern Longitude | Float (4 DEC) | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The maximum eastern latitude of the survey area, used to define a bounding box | 116 |
Bounding Box CRS | Text +/-URI | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The Coordinate Reference Systems (EPSG) used to define the Bounding Box. The CRS also defines the Horizontal datum. | WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) |
Bounding Box Coordinate Epoch | Date Range | 1 | Mandatory | Derived | Temporal metadata. Recording the Coordinate Epoch is important for propagating coordinates through time when data is gathered on a dynamic datum such as the Australian Terrestrial Reference Frame (ATRF2014) - This field can be Derived from Start and End DateTimes captured for the Survey. | 2020-08-26T14:00:00Z - 2020-09-11T14:00:00Z |
Survey Feature Geometry Line | Geometry | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The preferred and alternative shape/geometry to a Bounding Box for the Survey area. A clean, generalised line that identifies the track of the platform/ship from start to end (port to port) | Line (as supplied in an ESRI Shapefile, Personal Geodatabase or in GML, WKT or GeoJson) |
Survey Feature Geometry Poly | Geometry | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The preferred and alternative shape/geometry to a Bounding Box for the Survey area. A clean, generalised polygon that sufficiently encompasses the area of the survey for all data types collected. | Polygon (as supplied in an ESRI Shapefile, Personal Geodatabase or in GML, WKT or GeoJson) |
Survey Feature CRS | Text +/-URI | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The Coordinate Reference Systems (EPSG) used to define the Feature Geometry. The CRS also defines the Horizontal datum. | WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) |
Survey Feature Coord Epoch | Date Range | 1 | Mandatory | Derived | Temporal metadata of the Feature Geometry. Recording the Coordinate Epoch is important for propagating coordinates through time when data is gathered on a dynamic datum such as the Australian Terrestrial Reference Frame (ATRF2014) - This field can be Derived from Start and End DateTimes captured for the Survey. | 2020-08-26T14:00:00Z - 2020-09-11T14:00:00Z |
Metadata URL | Text +URI | 1 | Mandatory | Contrib Hub | The URL to a specific online metadata record held by the Custodian. | [Marlin3_EM710]( ); [eCat_145179]( ) |
Dataset URL | Text +URI | Multiple | Mandatory | Contrib Hub | The URL to an online Dataset location, held by the Custodian (may contain multiple files) | [CSIRO Data Access Portal]( ); [Ashmore_Reef_Marine_Park_Bathymetry_2021_64m_MSL_OV]( |
External Dataset URL | Text +URI | Multiple | Optional | Data Supplier | The URL to an online Dataset location, held by the Owner, if required. (may contain multiple files) | |
Survey Line Length (km) | Integer (rounded) | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | The total line kilometres traversed by the Survey, this will include Transit periods and detailed data collection areas | 151.5 |
Survey Area (square km) | Integer (rounded) | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | The total area in square kilometres covered by the Survey, this will include Transit periods and detailed data collection areas | 30052 |
Survey Depth Descriptor | Text | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | Simple binary descriptor for depth as Shallow (200m or less) or Deep (greater than 200m), based on 80% or more of the survey area. 200m is where the photic zone ends and marks the 5m resolution boundary | Shallow, Deep |
Restriction Date | Date (ISO 8601) | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier | A date field used to constrain the release date of a Survey or a specific data types. | 26-AUG-2030 2PM (2020-08-26T14:00:00Z) |
Restriction Contact Details | Text | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier | The point of contact for removing or refining the restricted date. | |
Restriction Conditions | Text | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier | Specific conditions describing the purpose and implementation of the restrictions | Metadata and contacts can be discoverable but the Data cannot be made available in any form until ... |
Survey Data Release Date | Date (ISO 8601) | 1 | Conditional | Contrib Hub | The date at which the Survey and data was released and made available to the public. | 2030-12-14T09:00:00Z |
Platform Metadata
Preferred Name | Format | Cardinality | Required | Source | Definition | Example |
Platform Tier | Text | Multiple | Mandatory | Data Supplier | Used to define the Primary and subsequent Platform Tiers. For a Bathymetry Survey the 'Primary" platform may be a Ship, but the Ship may also have 'Secondary Platforms' like an AUV or an ROV. | Primary Platform, Secondary Platform |
Platform Class | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The platform hosting the instruments and sensors used to collect the data. e.g Ship / Research Vessel / AUV / Satellite / Drone / Plane. | Research Vessel, Fishing Vessel |
Platform Name | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | Registered Name or TagID of the ship, vessel, plane, satellite, etc | Investigator, Bluefin |
Instrument Metadata
Preferred Name | Format | Cardinality | Required | Source | Definition | Example |
Instrument Type | Text | Multiple | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The family of sensors described (Multibeam, Single-beam, LADS, etc) | Multibeam echo sounder |
Sensor Metadata
Preferred Name | Format | Cardinality | Required | Source | Definition | Example |
Sensor Brand Model | Text +URI | Multiple | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The brand and model of the sensor (Kongsberg EM2040c) | Kongsberg EM710 |
Sensor Frequency (kHz) | Integer | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | Operating frequency measured in kHz | 100 |
Sensor Serial No | Text | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | The Serial number of the Sensor, can often be extracted from the operating parameters | 174 |
Sensor Installation Date | Date (ISO 8601) | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier | The data on which the specific Sensor (identified by the Serial No) was installed on the Platform | 2002-12-14T09:00:00Z |
Sensor Source URL | Text +URI | 1 | Optional | Data Supplier / Contrib Hub | The URL to an online repository for Sensor information, usually the commercial owner. | |
Horizontal Datum | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | The horizontal reference datum configured in the operating parameters | WGS84 |
Vertical Control | Text | 1 | Mandatory | Data Supplier | Identify the vertical control, if Tides Applied (supply tide file), or Geoid Tide details (supply model) | Tides Applied |
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With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, this product is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.