AHO | Australian Hydrographic Office |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
AODN | Australia Ocean Data Network |
API | Application Programming Interface |
ATRF | Australian Terrestrial Reference Frame |
AUV | Autonomous Underwater Vehicle |
CRS | Coordinate Reference System |
Contributing Data Partner | A contributing data partner is an organisation that has agreed to assign custodianship for a data product to GA, as an implemented AusSeabed Data Hub. |
Contributing Hub | A Contributing Hub is: · A data store that provides data processed to the AusSeabed standard · Connected to the broader AusSeabed Data Hub component infrastructure for seamless delivery to the end user · Meaningfully supported from within their own organisation with a forward commitment to continue for at least 12months. |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation |
CTD | A CTD or Sonde is an oceanography instrument used to determine the conductivity, temperature, and depth of the ocean. |
DCAT/RDF | DCAT is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogues published on the Web. |
DOI | Persistent Digital Object Identifier ( ) |
eCat | Geoscience Australia’s Product Catalogue Product catalogue - Geoscience Australia |
FORCE11 FAIR | Fair Data Principles |
GA | Geoscience Australia |
GEBCO | General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans - |
GeoNetwork | The GeoNetwork open source project is a free and open source cataloguing application for spatially referenced resources. |
GSF | GSF is a Generic Sensor Format used for storing bathymetry data |
HYPACK | A software for Hydrographic data collection, processing and final products produced by any multibeam systems. |
IHO DCDB | International Hydrographic Organisation’s Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry |
ISO | International Organisation for Standardisation |
LADS | Laser Airborne Depth Sounder |
L0 | An AusSeabed term to categorise a data level relating to Raw data |
L2 | An AusSeabed term to categorise a data level relating to Processed data |
L3 | An AusSeabed term to categorise a data level relating to gridded products |
MATE | a plugin for QAX that contains the handling, processing, and output requirements for raw multibeam data checks |
MBES | Multibeam echosounder |
NOAA | US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
OAI-PMH | Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting |
OGC CSW | Open Geospatial Consortium – Catalogue Service for the Web |
OGC GML | Open Geospatial Consortium – Geography Markup Language |
OpenSearch | OpenSearch is a community-driven, open source search and analytics suite |
QAX | Quality Assurance Tool |
ROV | Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle |
SBES | Singlebeam echosounder |
SBP | Sub Bottom Profiler |
SeaDataNet | Pan-European marine data infrastructure |
SIS | SIS is the software and user interface for real time data processing for hydrographic instruments supplied by Kongsberg |
SOI | Schmidt Ocean Institute |
SVP | Sound Velocity Profiles can be used to calculate bathymetry from acoustic data |
Teledyne PDS | Teledyne PDS is a multipurpose software platform and supports a wide range of tasks within Hydrography, Dredge Guidance, Construction Support, Search & Recovery Operations and Port Entrance Monitoring |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier – This is a unique sequence of characters that identifies a logical or physical resource used by web technologies. |
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time – primary time standard |
XBT | An Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) is a probe used to measure temperature throughout the water column |
XTF | The XTF format stands for eXtended Triton Format. It is an open source format used for recording hydrographic data. |
WCD | Water Column Data |
Z39.50 | Z39.50 is an international standard client–server, application layer communications protocol for searching and retrieving information from a database over a TCP/IP computer network. It is covered by ANSI/NISO standard Z39.50, and ISO standard 23950 |
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