File naming conventions
For further details please see the Draft AusSeabed Folder, File, Field & Layer Naming Conventions
Specific L3 summary below:
Element | Value |
GAID or SurveyID | The GA SurveyID or the Source SurveyID for example GA-0123 or CSIRO in2019_e01 |
Product Type | Bathymetry (for extension to Backscatter) |
Survey Year (Optional) | Year the Survey commenced (optional) as sometimes this information is visible within the SurveyID e.g. in2019_e01 |
Resolution - Horizontal | Resolution of grid in metres as per the AusSeabed_DepthRanges_2019 procedure, For fractions such as 0.5m resolution, use - 0p5m |
Sensor Identifier (Optional) | e.g. EM122_CUBE, EM122_SA (Identifier may include raster algorithm, or Band contents) |
RegionCode | Each Survey will be broken up into one or more Region Codes based on xxx grid definition. |
MeasurementLabel | e.g Depth, or Uncertainty, or Density |
Version Identifier | Usually considered the production or publication date of the GeoTIFF: If a date, submit in a standard format using ISO 8601 – {20201214}[{T052921Z}]. Alternatively or additionally use versions numbers e.g. v1, v2 etc |
Format extension | A standard string defining the format of the product – e.g. *.tif - original *.shp – Shapefile coverage holding geometry and key attributes |
Table 2. File naming convention components and associated definitions.
The Vertical datum and CRS were removed as it is available within the broader metadata and does not assist in ensuring uniqueness of the filename.
The Resolution, SensorIdentifier, RegionCode, MeasurementLabel and VersionIdentifier are often required to ensure filename uniqueness when there are multiple options for a single product.
Element | GA Example | CSIRO Example |
Survey ID | GA4867 | in2019_e01 |
Product Type | Bathymetry | Bathymetry |
Survey Date | 2020 |
Resolution | 64m | 0p5m |
Sensor Identifier |
| EM710 |
Region Code | SH51 | SH51 |
Measurement Label | Depth | FPDepth |
Version Identifier | 20210729 | 20201214T052921Z |
Format Extension | .tif | .tif |
Table 3. Differences in file naming conventions between Geoscience Australia and CSIRO. Note resolutions that require a decimal point are presented as per the CSIRO example.
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