Data Formats
AusSeabed requires the L3 MBES Backscatter format to be supplied as GeoTIFFs.
Polygons derived from L3 MBES Backscatter GeoTIFFs are also required to assist in updating the Master Data Holding Coverage. Converting L3 GeoTIFFs to shapefiles can be achieved using ArcGIS or GDAL (See ASB Procedures for Generating Polygons). The shapefile must represent the areal extent of the L3 product, which may not be the entire survey area.
Preferred Format | Specifications | |
Level | Bathymetry | |
L3 |
Priority 1 32-bit floating point GeoTIFF (.tiff)
Backscatter Resolution as per bathymetry products Variable: coordinates, intensity (dB) Coordinate system: Geographic WGS84 or GDA2020 Precision: Metric variables with minimum of 2 decimals, Angular variables deg with 6 decimals. |
Table 8. Preferred L3 formats.
The Geocoder algorithm is strongly recommended for producing backscatter mosaics, unless unavailable. The grid resolution for the mosaic is determined by seabed backscatter types and/or depths and should be equal to or greater than that of the corresponding bathymetric surface. The AusSeabed depth bands for bathymetry can be used as a guide. Typically, a single grid is created for a survey, though multiple grids are also acceptable. While bathymetry grids must extend from start to finish (port to port), this may not always be feasible for backscatter grids, as transit lines can present processing challenges.
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© Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) year of publication.
With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, this product is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.