Checklist for Contributing Data Providers
| Content | Conditional | Description |
| \[SurveyName_ID]\SurveyDocs |
☐ | Metadata, Reports & Survey Shapefiles | Mandatory | As per Survey Metadata Product Specification |
| L3_Gridded |
| \[SurveyName_ID]\Docs |
☐ | \Docs\(L3 MBES Bathymetry Grid File Metadata) | Mandatory | At least the Contributing Hub and Data Supplier identified metadata attributes as per table L2 Level Metadata Attributes |
☐ | \Docs\(QAX Report) | Mandatory | .json summarising on .gsf files (.json format) |
☐ | \Docs\(ShapesGeometry) | Preferred | Shapefiles representing the line kilometres gridded and the polygon extent of the L3 GeoTIFF |
| \[SurveyName_ID]\L3_GriddedData |
☐ | \L3_GeoTIFF | Mandatory | Multiple GeoTIFFs, plus an optional multi-band GeoTIFF |
☐ | \L3_BAG | Optional |
☐ | \L3_CSAR | Optional |
Checklist of data to be provided to AusSeabed to constitute a complete dataset.
\[SurveyName_ID] – supplied as per Survey Specifications
--\SurveyDocs – supplied as per Survey Specifications
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With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, this product is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.