Minimum Survey level metadata
Both Survey and L3 Metadata attributes are required to fulfil this Specification
Survey Level Metadata
See Survey metadata specification for full Survey metadata requirements
Minimum Survey Level Metadata requirements
Survey | Platform | Instrument | Sensor | DataTypes Availability |
Survey | Platform Tier | Instrument Type | Sensor Brand Model | Bathymetry |
| Platform Class |
| Sensor Frequency | Seabed Backscatter |
| Platform Name |
| Vertical Datum | Sound Velocity Profile SVP |
| Horizontal Datum | Acoustic Water Column WCD (Water Column Backscatter) |
| Raw Navigation (POSMV) |
Citation |
| Tide |
| Vessel Configuration |
| Sub Bottom Profile SBP |
| Sidescan |
| Imagery |
| Video |
| Physical Properties |
| Samples |
Extent |
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