File Naming Conventions

File Naming Conventions

File names should not use spaces.

The preference is for Capitalised Case concatenated strings to delineate word breaks, although in order of preference, underscores and then hyphens are acceptable.

Please use logical file names and only agreed and documented acronyms if necessary. The combination of folder and filename length is restricted to 260 characters. So please keep filenames short, taking into consideration how deep down in the structure, the file is.  Recommend filename name length is 30 characters. Removing spaces and not using underscores will save you some characters. Other characters such as / ? < > \ : * | " ^ are also strongly discouraged from use.

When using dates in filenames please use the following format as this will aid in sorting

ISO format {2020}[{0826}][{T140000Z}]


Yes - SustainOceanEconStrat_2020.doc                                                                        

No - The High Level Strategy for a Sustainable Ocean Economy 2020.doc


File Examples

The pattern framework is: {Mandatory} | ({Conditional}) | [{Optional}]

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