Field Name Conventions
The following field names are commonly used and should be consistently implemented to aid integration and interoperability. They are used in multiple locations within databases, metadata and data tables, in web services, and as such the following table provides the recommend label and format. This is not a comprehensive list and can be added to as required.
The Case (Upper, Lower, Capitalised) will be dependent on software implementations as will the use if spaces or underscores ‘_’.
Still under development
Field Name | Also known as | Definition | Format | Preferred Label | Alternate Label (due to format requirements or software limitations) | Example content |
| 1234567890 |
Survey Name | Survey Title, Name | Survey or Dataset Title | String | SurveyName | SURV_NAME | XYZ Marine Park Bathymetry Survey (SOL7491) |
Survey ID | Source Survey ID |
| String | SurveyID | SURVEY_ID |
GAID | GA Survey ID |
| String | GAID | GAID |
Data Custodian |
| String | Custodian | CUSTODIAN |
Principal Investigator | Chief Scientist |
| String | PrincipalInvestigator | PRIN_INVES |
Point of Contact |
| ContactDetails | CONTACT |
Collecting Entity | Source, Collecting Institution, Chief Science Organisation, also considered the Owner |
| String | CollectingOrganisation | SOURCE |
Legal Constraints | Licence |
| String | Licence | LICENCE |
Attribution Citation |
| String | AttributionCitation | CITATION |
Country |
| Country of Data Owner | List (text values) | CountryOwner | CTY_OWNER |
Start Location | Start Port |
| String | LocationStart | LOC_START |
End Location | End Port |
| String | LocationEnd | LOC_END |
Start DateTime |
| DateTime: ISO format {2020}[{0826}][{T140000Z}] | DateTimeStart | DATE_START |
End DateTime |
| DateTime: ISO format {2020}[{0826}][{T140000Z}] | DateTImeEnd | DATE_END |
Coordinate Reference System (Bounding Box) | CRS (Geometry/Shape) |
| List (text values) | CoordRefSystemGeometry | CRS_GEOM |
Coordinate Reference System (Survey Data) | CRS (Survey Data) |
| List (text values) | CoordRefSystemData | CRS_DATA |
Horizontal Datum |
| List (text values) | DatumHorizontal | DATUM_HORZ |
Vertical Datum |
| List (text values) | DatumVertical | DATUM_VERT |
Platform Class |
| List (text values) | PlatformClass | PLAT_CLASS |
Platform Name | Vessel, Ship Name |
| List (text values) | PlatformName | PLAT_NAME |
Instrument Type |
| List (text values) | InstrumentType | INSTR_TYPE |
Sensor Type |
| List (text values) | SensorType | SENSOR_TYP |
Sensor Parameter |
| List (text values) | SensorParameter | SENSOR_PAR |
Sensor Value |
| String (to also cover numerical values) | SensorValue | SENSOR_VAL |
Sensor Value Unit of Measure |
| String | SensorUoM | SENSOR_UOM |
Sensor Year of Installation |
| DateTime: ISO format {2020}[{0826}][{T140000Z}] | SensorInstallDate | SENSOR_INS |
Area_km2 |
| Float | AreaKm2 | AREA_KM2 |
ShapeLength_km | Shape_Length, Track_Length |
| Float | LengthKm | LENGTH_KM |
Elevation |
| Float | ElevationMetres | ELEV_M |
Meta URL |
| String | MetadataURL | META_URL |
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© Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) year of publication.
With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, this product is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.