Acquisition (Contacts)

Acquisition (Contacts)

Data Owner - Please supply to the name of the Organisation that owns the data resources and the IP, often referred to as the Client for whom the data was acquired. At times this may be an Individual (although it is anticipated that an individual would belong to an organisation).

Country Owner - The Country Owner refers to the country the data owner identifies with, not the geographical area where the data was collected or the metadata language.

Collecting Organisation/s - The organisation responsible for collecting/acquiring the data. If there are multiple collaborators, add the additional organisation names here.

Principal Investigator - This field can be used to store one or more leads. The roles are often referred to as Principal Investigator, Chief Scientist, Lead Scientist or Surveyor. This contact would often be the main point of contact for queries relating to the data.

Operator - Commonly used for the name of the organisation that owns the platform used to acquire the data, often not be the Data Owner.

Contractor - Commonly used for the name of the organisation contracted by the Data Owner to acquire the data.

Custodian - The organisation who has the responsibility for managing the data (or products generated from the data) on behalf of the Data Owner. Where data is supplied to the AusSeabed Data Hub for storage, management, processing and/or publication, Geoscience Australia becomes the Custodian. Custodianship does not replace or diminish the accountability and responsibility of the Data Owner. The Data Owner retains the original IP.

Publisher - The organisation who publishes the data and or products generated from the data on behalf of the Data Owner. The publisher has the authority to publish or remove from publication and dataset or product related to the original acquisition.

Attribution Citation - A recommended attribution statement used to provide credit to the original data owners, collecting organisations and/or authors. This statement may be modified by the AusSeabed team when data is published by Geoscience Australia on behalf of the Data Owners and or Custodians.

DOI - A persistent digital object identifier can be left blank as where data is supplied to the AusSeabed Data Hub for storage, management, processing and/or publication, Geoscience Australia will allocate a DOI. However, if the Data Owner has already allocated a DOI, please update this field. Note the Data Owner DOI will often relate to the Data acquired, whereas the AusSeabed DOI typically refers to one of the products generated from the data.


Reminder that the small red triangle in the top left corner of the field indicates the item is Mandatory to complete a submission (validation of these mandatory rules only occurs when the user is ready to Submit the metadata).




© Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) year of publication.

With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, this product is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.
