Bespoke Client Request Workflow
Source of Requests
Historically, AusSeabed client requests have been sourced through:
AusSeabed Inbox
Client Requests Inbox
Individual Staff Members
Marine & Antarctic Inbox
Moving forward, all client requests for AusSeabed data products and support should be sent to the AusSeabed inbox (
Alternative staff/inboxes should alert clients that their request is being forwarded to AusSeabed with encouragement to send directly to AusSeabed in the future.
Types of Requests
Requests will either be “standard” or “bespoke”.
Standard requests are considered recurring requests that can be solved through minimal time and effort by the case owner*. Responses to such requests can be modelled off the common requests and responses provided.
Bespoke requests encompass all bathymetry data processing requests, including bespoke data requests that cannot be solved through referral to the AusSeabed Marine Data Portal. Bespoke requests are considered to be significantly more time consuming and therefore follow a sprint prioritisation workflow.
*Employee that takes ownership of the request and liaises with the client
Timeframe for Responding to Standard Requests
Automated Response
Clients that email AusSeabed receive an automatic reply that states:
Thank you for emailing AusSeabed! You should receive a reply within three business days.
In the meantime, check our Frequently Asked Questions page to see if your question has already been answered.
Please do not reply to this email.
Kind regards,
AusSeabed Team
Manual Response
As per the automated response, clients should receive a manual response from the AusSeabed email ( asking clients for additional information, or advising clients on the actions being taken, within three days. The request should then aimed to be solved within one month.
Information required to complete bespoke requests
It is possible that clients will need to send through additional information in order for bespoke requests to be completed. Therefore, an initial response should ensure the following information is known:
The name of the dataset
The reason for the request
The area of interest
The required delivery format
The expected resolution
If applicable: when the data is needed by and why
Name of the dataset or region:
Reason for the request:
Area of interest (geographic coordinates):
Delivery format (geotiff, xyz etc):
Expected data resolution (in metres):
To date, the client request process of the marine team has been managed through a series of manual processes, integrating with the NEMO operations team. Going forward, bespoke client requests will be actioned within the broader marine program of work and as such will be added to a backlog and prioritised as outlined below:
Working within this framework the following will apply:
Log the request as per the client request logging process
Create a Jira task and assign it to the appropriate staff member
Advise the requestor that their request has been forwarded to the appropriate section within the organisation to action
Forward the following request types to the relevant staff members:
Any requests relating to seafloor mapping
Any requests relating to the AusSeabed Program
Any requests relating to AusSeabed program tools
Any requests relating to the AusSeabed Marine Data Portal (
Forward all other requests to for further allocation.
Client requests that are being actioned within the AusSeabed program team will have a minimum 1month turn around time to allow for the work to be properly scoped and prioritised via a backlog grooming and sprint planning process. Where possible, please ensure that the client request log is attached to the Jira task .
Prioritisation will take into consideration:
The requested time frame for delivery of the client request,
The estimated effort to prepare the client request response,
The value to the organisation of the client request response (would the client request response be valuable to others as well as the requestor or is the request for a ministerial etc),
The existing milestones being delivered within the program and resourcing capacity.
All client requests must be prioritised into a sprint before they are actioned.
Closing a Case
In order for a case to be closed:
A solution must be provided to the client
If necessary, the case owner should follow up with relevant staff to confirm the solution has been provided
The case must be closed within the logging sheet
The case must be moved to “Done” in JIRA
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