Removing Survey Coordination Tool Records

Removing Survey Coordination Tool Records

Survey Coordination tool records have different rules around removal dependent upon the record type being discussed. The following table outlines the different approaches taken to removal of records from the public domain:

Record Type


Process Reference

Record Type


Process Reference

Survey Plan

Removal of a survey plan means that it is set to a state that excludes it from display on the AusSeabed data portal.

Survey plans are also the only record type within the system that can actually be deleted.

Survey Plan retirement process

Priority Area

Removal of a priority area means that it is set to a state that removes the record from display on the AusSeabed data portal.

Priority area records are never deleted, but they can be archived.

Priority Area Retirement Process


Removal of a request means to set it to a state of “Archived”. Retirement of a request would indicate that the request is no longer relevant in the context of the coordination tool.

Request records can not be deleted.

Request Retirement Process


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