How to analyse data
How do I use the Marine Sediments tool?
The Marine Sediments tool is an interactive data analytical tool for querying, downloading and plotting marine sediment data available through the AusSeabed Marine Data Portal.
Click on the Tools (1) button.
Select the Marine Sediments (2) tool.
The tool will bring up all the sediment samples that are available for analysis in the main map.
You are able to explore sediment data by a Spatial Search (1) using the Draw Extent (2), where you can choose to draw a Box, Circle, Polygon or Freehand (3) on the main map for an area of interest.
Click on Draw (4) and navigate to the main map to draw an area of interest. You can also select Download Polygon (as a JSON file) for input to future searches once you click Draw.
Click on Search (5) to run the tool or Clear (5) if you have made a mistake.
A statistical summary of the points that you have selected will be shown, and you can either Download (1) this information, and Plot Graphs (2).
If you would like to change your search area, click on Refine Search (3).
If you’ve clicked on Plot Graphs from the step above, you are able to select from a range of different charts available to display the data in your area of interest.
The charts are interactive, so if you click on the chart (1), it will show the value of the selection from the area of interest. You are also able to Download (2) the data and image in various formats (CSV, JSON, PNG, SVG).
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