How to customise my map

How to customise my map



How do I change the colour ramp of bathymetry layers?

As seen above, you are now able to adjust the colour ramp of most* bathymetry layers on the Portal.

To do this, Click on Layers (1), the Primary Theme you are interested in (2), the layer you wish to add (3), and Add to Map (4). All bathymetry layers can be found in the Primary Theme ‘Elevation and Depth’.

Clicking Fit Extent will zoom to the data extent in the main map.

You are now able to select from a predetermined set of Styles (1) from a drop down list. These emulate commonly used styles for bathymetry, and also include colourblind-friendly ramps.

You are also able to modify the existing styles by changing the min and max values of the Colour Range Slider (2) or manually editing the depth range values. The accepted depth ranges for each layer are specified below the Colour range slider.


If you wish to edit the colour ramp, click on any colour ramp apart from the default (typically the first layer), and click on Edit (3). This will expand the menu to show depth values, colours and the ability to edit depth values (4), add new colours (5) and delete existing (5) colours. Once you have made changes, click on Update Map (7) to apply those changes to the layer on the main map.


*some layers are not able to be styled due to technical constraints, these currently include

How do I annotate my map?


How do I change the style of polygons on the Portal?


How do I register for an account?

On the Desktop Launcher

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