Using AWS Command Line Interface for data upload

Using AWS Command Line Interface for data upload

The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is an open source tool that enables you to interact with AWS services using commands in your command-line shell. Online information can be found here.

Prior to using the AWS CLI you will need to register with the AusSeabed Data Hub and follow the instructions below.

Step ID

Step Description

User Interface

Step ID

Step Description

User Interface


Open Command Prompt or Powershell to initiate commands



Type the following commands at the Prompt (C:\...)

C:\WINDOWS\system32>aws configure



You will be prompted for your Access Key ID, your secret Access key, a default region and a default output

Note: to view your current configuration type: aws configure list


Type aws s3 ls (to display available S3 buckets)

C:\WINDOWS\system32>aws s3 ls


If you want to look deeper type

C:\WINDOWS\system32>aws s3 ls ausseabed-public-bathymetry














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