Contributing Data Partner Assessment Process

Contributing Data Partner Assessment Process

AusSeabed, on behalf of Geoscience Australia, is committed to providing services to the community by leading organisations to become contributing hubs, or for those organisations that are unable to do so, by establishing these organisations as contributing data partners.

The first step in the process is to read through “1. Can I share my data through AusSeabed?” and undertake a self assessment process. If you have determined that you are able to share your data with AusSeabed, the second step is to complete the Contributing Data Partner Profile Form to begin the conversation about submitting data into the GA contributing hub.

All potential contributing data partners are assessed through this form and follow up conversations by representatives from the AusSeabed Data Hub Theme team. The goal of the assessment process is to:

  1. Ensure that the GA hub does not become a dumping ground for data simply as a cost savings to another organisation (but an expense to GA).

  2. Ensure that the data being provided is of interest to the AusSeabed community and falls within the area and type defined in the AusSeabed Strategy and in these data submission guidelines.

  3. Ensure that there is an awareness of the cumulative cost of storing and distributing the smaller packets of data over time.

The process to become a contributing data partner is done in 3 steps:

  1. Submit a request to become a contributing data partner

  2. Become configured in the AusSeabed incoming data infrastructure (Data Submission Service (https://www.datasubmission.ausseabed.gov.au/))

  3. Begin submitting your data

A model of the process can also be found here.

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