What this specification offers
This document describes the metadata information required to submit one or more marine data packages or products related to a Survey to the AusSeabed Data Hub. This includes mandatory, preferred and optional requirements for the submission of a Survey collecting multibeam bathymetry, backscatter, singlebeam bathymetry, water column sonar, sub bottom profile, side scan sonar and other data such as imagery, video and samples.
Appropriate metadata is imperative for documenting the lineage of a survey, providing insights into the data collected and ensuring long term access and preservation. The minimum (and complete) metadata requirements can be found in Section 4.2.4 Dataset level metadata attributes.
The key benefits of metadata, to both the Contributing Hub Manager and the Client/Customer using the data, are to improve the understanding of the data, reduce duplication of effort, minimise community effort and aid in decision making. Other benefits include:
Provides discoverability and search-ability
Determines if it is fit for the intended purpose
Drives correct use of data
Reduces support queries
Drives automation workflows.
This document can also be used to assist Contributing Hubs in defining their own metadata data stores and catalogues.
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© Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) year of publication.
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