


Completeness is a first-order measure of data integrity assessed upon receipt. Once received, ‘Data Packets’ are inspected and their contents examined to substantiate content (reasonable file sizes) and verify file formats. Expected file formats for either L0, L2 or L3 products should be consistent with Multibeam Guidelines (section Table 5). This data is saved and archived as a directory index of data received. 


  1. The directory structure and contents of data packets are scanned, tallied and listed upon reception to provide first-order verification and identify anomalies.  

  2. Listed files are checked against expected/recommended Multibeam Guidelines (section Table 5) for their respective process level (either L0, L2 or L3). File sizes are assessed by the user for legitimacy (e.g. > 0 kb) 

  3. Listed files are archived as a text file with the date of data reception recorded. 

Pass Requirements

Files are of the appropriate format (e.g. HDCS compatible extensions) and are sufficiently substantial (e.g. > 0 kb). 



The ‘Falkor’ dataset is received and stored within the Clearing House by AusSeabed. A script is applied to the ‘Data Packet’ which generates a summary of the directory contents. The operator examines the summary as required to verify that data is present in expected formats and is substantial (> 0 kb).  

Test results  

Summary of directory scan:  

Count Name  Total KB 

----- ----  -------- 

    1 .asc     16326 

 2591 .all 331416250 

 3787 .gsf 374252094  




Falkor L2 data contents are consistent with Multibeam Guidelines Data Formats (section and expected formats and tallies. 



The ‘Kerguelen Plateau’ dataset is received and stored by AusSeabed. A script is applied to the ‘Data Packet’ which generates a summary of the directory contents. The operator examines the summary as required to verify that data is present in expected formats and is substantial (> 0 kb).  

Test results  Summary of directory scan:  

Count Name Total KB 

----- ----  -------- 

    5 .txt         7 

    1 .asc    563684 

   60 .xml        35 

    4 .csar     2168 

  219 .prj         0 

  529 .tif   3093997 

    2 .pdf      2531 

    5 .tiff  2137785 

  218 .dbf     16812 

  218 .shp    170527 

  218 .shx      6254 




Kerguelen Plateau (20220004C) L2 processed data packet contents are consistent with Multibeam Guidelines Data Formats (section and expected tallies and formats. Directory contents largely resemble typical file formats and tallies.  




The ‘Austrea 01’ dataset is at L2 stage. A script is applied to the ‘Data Packet’ which generates a summary of the directory contents. The operator examines the summary as required to verify that data is present in expected formats and is substantial (> 0 kb).  

Test results  

Summary of directory scan:  

Count Name      Total KB 

----- ----      -------- 

    1 .jpg           866 

    2 .hips         8292 

   10 .txt           164 

    1 .old          5275 

    1 .hips_rxl        1 

    1 .hpf             0 

    1 .tif          5284 

   33 .csar         9048 

   40 .xml          1146 

   26 .hndf         2152 

   27 .lsf           348 

    2 .zdf            16 

   58 .tid        148828 

    2 .csv             1 

   23 .bak          5208 

   26 .log          3406 

    1 .gsf         18606 

    1 .hvf             5 




Austrea 01 (20220004C) L2 processed data packet contents are consistent with Multibeam Guidelines Data Formats (section and expected tallies and formats.


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© Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) year of publication.

With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, this product is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.
