Shape/Geometry formats
Shapefile, or one of the following if this is not possible:
Geography Markup Language (GML)
Well Known Text (WKT)
AusSeabed will maintain geometries in a spatial format capable of transformation into multiple formats.
Shape specifications
Coordinate Reference System: EPSG:4326 (based on WGS84)
Geometry Type: Line & Polygon (Extent of the Survey from Port to Port or Start Location to End Location)
To provide a visual extent of the multibeam survey extents in a mapping portal
To allow the calculation of a total line kilometres contributed to the Grid
To allow the calculation of a total area (sq. km) of the gridded multibeam survey extents
Attributes (Minimum Requirements as listed 4.2.4) – the ‘metadata_url’ is used to link to the more comprehensive attributes and descriptions.
Field Name | Format | Comments |
SURV_NAME | Text | Survey Name as supplied by the Contributor |
SURVEY ID | Text | The Survey ID assigned by the Collecting Organisation |
DATA_TYPE | Text | This may be a list of data types collected |
PRIN_INVES | Text | The Principal Investigator/key point of contact |
LICENCE | Text | e.g. CCBY 4.0 |
SURVEY _LINE_KM | Float/Double | The length of the MBES Survey Lines that contributed to the Gridded product |
AREA_KM2[1] | Float/Double | The Area of the polygon extent of the Gridded Multibeam Survey |
DATA_URL | Text | A downloadable link to the data |
METADATA_URL | Text | Link to Contributing Hub metadata catalogue |
Table 10. Shapefile Attribute Table
See ASB Procedures for Generating Polygons
[1] Calculated by projecting to the Australian Lambert Equal Area projection
Related content
© Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) year of publication.
With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, this product is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.