What this specification offers

What this specification offers

Multibeam echo sounder (MBES) specifications are important for all users of the data. The specifications inform metadata requirements for MBES data acquirers before, during and after a voyage, which would in turn inform processing strategies/decisions for data processors. Data processors can then produce MBES products that are accessible, consistent and have wide utility for many end users. Accessible and reliable MBES data has significant benefits for marine geoscience and oceanography studies, marine habitat mapping, minerals and energy exploration, marine infrastructure planning, and ocean safety and management.


This specification will support:

  • Vessel Operators and Data Owner/Acquirers to ensure that they are able to reach the minimum requirements enabling data submission to AusSeabed

  • Data Contributors in submitting data to an AusSeabed Data Hub for publication as standard products

  • Data Managers to ensure compliance with AusSeabed standards

  • Data Processors to confidently enact processing pipelines

  • Data Hub Providers to provide timely, consistent and effective client support

  • A future queryable database made possible with consistent metadata specifications, which will lead to fully customisable data products made by end users


© Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) year of publication.

With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, this product is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.
