File Naming Conventions as per the ASB Folder and File Naming Conventions
The filename for L2 data is inherited from L0 with different extension as follows:
Survey line number, date, time, vessel name and sensor in the following format:
e.g.: 1342_20020602_232433_Solander_EM2040C.gsf
Where #### is the sequential survey line number, yyyy is the year, mm is the month, dd is the date, hh is the hour, mm is minutes, ss is seconds, vessel name is the vessel name, sensor is the specific Multibeam senor model, * is the file extension e.g. gsf. All these are automatically assigned by the processing software according to the raw data filename. Certain processing software such as QIMERA automatically repeats the word in the filename between the “.” and the last “_”, in this case, the multibeam sensor model is duplicated.
e.g.: 1342_20020602_232433_Solander_EM2040C_EM2040C.gsf
For L0 filename - 0000_20200801_102451_FK200804_EM710.all
Caris-derived GSF is - 0000_20200801_102451_FK200804_EM710.gsf
Qimera-derived GSF is - 0000_20200801_102451_FK200804_EM710_EM710.gsf
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