The AusSeabed Data Hub is the national repository for all seabed mapping data collected within the legal boundaries of the Australian Continental Shelf and the Australian Charting Area and any data that lies outside this region but is considered of value to the Australian marine community or was commissioned by Australian entities. Data submitted and distributed through the hub, in accordance with the AusSeabed Data Submission and Distribution policies, will be made publicly available through the AusSeabed Marine Data Portal under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. Data Distributed through the AusSeabed Marine Data Portal are done so under the proviso that they are not used for navigational purposes. Data subjected to embargos or confidentiality agreements will not be considered. It is worth noting that this infrastructure is undergoing development to function as a federated hub, whereby, organisations can emulate the architecture of the AusSeabed Data Hub, retaining custodianship over their data while making it discoverable and accessible through the AusSeabed Portal.

S1 Survey Specification

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L0 MBES Data Package Specification

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