Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
  • Metadata, wherever possible, should be supplied to comply with the ISO-19115-3 standard.

  • Where attributes extend beyond the ISO standard a text file can be supplied.

  • Relevant attributes will be stored in an ISO-19115-3 compliant repository.

  • All attributes captured will be stored in the ASB Data Register once developed.

    Based on the recommendations from the GeoHab Backscatter Working Group (Lurton and Lamarche, 2015; Schimel et al., 2018), AusSeabed advises including the following minimal metadata for L3 backscatter data products, in addition to the corresponding L3 bathymetry metadata requirements.

Manufacturer (e.g. Kongsberg)

Model (e.g. EM122)

S/N (e.g. 138)

Operating frequency(s) (e.g. 12 kHz)

Signal mode (e.g. CW)

Head mode (e.g. Single Head)

Georeferenced (e.g. Yes)

Backscatter data type (e.g. Time series)

Backscatter unit (e.g. dB)

Gain correction (e.g. Yes)

TVG correction (e.g. Yes)

Absorption correction (e.g. Yes)

How was absorption correction implemented (e.g. Single value)

Insonified area correction (e.g. Yes)

Model of insonified area (e.g. Geocoder default)

Absolute calibration (e.g. No)

Beam pattern correction (e.g. Yes)

Sediment type of the area for beam pattern correction (e.g. Medium sand)

AVG (e.g. Yes)

AVG type (e.g. Flat)

Window size (e.g. 300)

Window type (e.g. Sliding)

Operation (e.g. Median)

Unit value (e.g. dB)

Reference angle (e.g. 40o)

Standard deviation correction (e.g. No)

Local slope correction (e.g. Yes)

Projection (e.g. EPSG:32755)

Grid resolution (e.g. 10m)

Gridding strategy (e.g. Weighted average)

Post image enhancement: anti-aliasing, despeckle  etc (e.g. Yes)

Algorithm (e.g. Geocoder)

Processing software (e.g. Caris)

Unit value of final mosaic (e.g. dB)