The data hub is being developed as a multi-component suite of services that are underpinned by a federated data storage model, with each connected data store being referred to as a “local hub”. At the time of writing, there are two local hubs under development, one at GA and one at CSIRO. Outlined below are the incoming data policies for the GA Local Hub.
V0 (Version 0) bathymetry data is published at geodetic vertical datums (e.g. Mean Sea Level (MSL)) and is mainly refers to data that has been manually cleaned, and distributed for release.
Rough Notes
At the time of writing there is a considerable “backlog” of data that has been cleaned for delivery in response to a client request but has either:
Been distributed through GA’s public facing tools as a bespoke deliverable (either for an individual survey, or as part of a compilation), or
Has never been distributed at all.
In both of these instances, the data represents a product of value, albeit limited in that the processing that has been undertaken to date has not been explicitly captured. It is with this data in mind that the GA-ASB data hub is defining a “version 0” for this backlog data.
Important to note – “version 0” is not relevant to any new, incoming data, or data that has never been cleaned or is only partially cleaned previously. Version 0 represents a “quick win” and will be replaced at a later date.
Version 1
V1 (Version 1) is classified as bathymetry data that may have been manually cleaned, surface cleaned, and exported to two vertical datums, Ellipsoid and MSL. This version will be used for all new surveys.
Rough Notes
Version 1 represents the first, truly consistent processing outcome for the GA ASB Data Hub data. Any data within the existing backlog that has not been produced as a V0 will be produced as a V1, via a prioritised publication schedule that takes into account both backlog and new incoming data.
Version 1 will be:
Created using an automated, reproducible processing pipeline