Optional Aux Conversion – This step is required only if L0 Navigation (e.g., Applanix POSMV) is available. It is highly recommended to import the following data:·
Delayed Heave
Delayed Heave RMS
GPS Height
GPS Height RMS
Navigation RMS
Roll RMS
Pitch RMS
Gyro RMS
The following step is only required if L2 Navigation (e.g., Applanix SBET & Applanix SRMS) is available. The following data are highly recommended:·
GPS Height
GPS Height RMS
Navigation RMS
Refer to the manual of the processing software used to meet these requirements.
Figure 2. Decision tree for choosing appropriate EGM2008 vertical datum approach. See EGM2008 Approximation Methodology.
Schema / spatial extent
Update frequency: asRequired
Temporal extent: 2021-09-30 17:00:01 – current
Spatial extent: Australian Region of Interest
The region of interest defined for the AusSeabed initiative is relevant mainly to the Data Hub program theme; the other themes have application beyond the region of interest defined here. To account for Australia’s jurisdictional and international obligations, the Data Hub will handle seafloor data that meet one or more of the following criteria:
collected or commissioned by Australian entities
within the legal boundaries of the Australian Continental Shelf and the Australian Charting Zone
is considered of value to the Australian marine community.
Following these criteria will also limit duplication of work undertaken by other international repositories, such as the International Hydrographic Organisation Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry (IHO DCDB) hosted by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.