Depending on how many Acquisitions are associated with the time-based Submission, the user will have one or more Summary cards.
These cards will identify the name of the Acquisition, a truncated Abstract, the license details, Start and End Location, Start and End Date, the Status of the Acquistion Acquisition Draft or Ready for Submission and whether or not it is a Metadata only record or a Metadata record relating to a Data Submission.
From the this screen a user can Review and an Acquisition Card, Return to the main Submission screen or Create another Another associated Acquisition within the current Submission form or Submit a valid Submission along with all of its child Acquisition records.
Reviewing an Acquistion Acquisition that continues to be summarised as Draft and Contains a red cross on its Summary Card, can be performed by simply selecting the Summary Card. A report against each field is displayed.
Create Another, navigates the user back to the second tab screen labelled Acquisition (General), and allows the create of an additional Survey/Dta Acqusition Data Acquisition record related to the Parent Data Submission tab.